The Art of Jumping In

photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

What was that?

From afar, a geyser of water shot into the air from the frozen lake. It was the first morning of the New Year here in the northern hemisphere at Evergreen Lake in Colorado, and I didn’t exactly see any polar bears that could have made the splash (at least not real ones).

What could it be?

Oh, there were a few furry-clad walruses walking around, but as I looked more closely, I realized a mob of scantily, and not-so-scantily, costumed humans shivered as they waited in line for their turn to jump in.

Photo credit: Corinne Westeman, Colorado Community Media

That torpedo of ice water shooting up to the sky was actually a perfect display of Newton’s Third Law of Motion: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, the trajectory of displaced ice water was a direct result of some brave soul becoming one with the frozen lake which had been cut away for the BIG DIP.

I watched in awe as one-by-one, more than 400 plungers embraced their chance to support the Active4All fundraiser (for local parks and recreation) at the annual Evergreen Lake Plunge.

Wow! What courage! What Verve!

I can only imagine the shock to the system as skin slaps the water, the stinging sensation of ice-cold turned to burn.

Photo credit by Corinne Westeman, Colorado Community Media

I loved watching those playful participants display their tensile strength and gusto in the art of jumping in! I am sending an ocean of gratitude to all for their inspiration and fun.

Thanks for stopping by.

Colorado Community Media

Wikimedia Commons