When Goodness Washes Over You

In the eyes of a child, I saw goodness. In the eyes of my grandchild, I saw purity. It washed over me like the flow of a stream over stones.

There was this feeling of being unworthy of the grace looking into my eyes, of knowing that that exact moment was imparted as a special gift—to remember.

And so I share a feeling that all too often escapes the crowded and despairing headlines of day-to-day reporting, blaring traffic, escalating prices, homelessness, and wars.

For that wide-eyed trust and vulnerability looking up at me reminded me of an innocence I had forgotten. And those eyes, full of shining wonder and discovery, and yes, love, reached out to me in some fundamental truth about goodness. And there was a catchiness, a drawing in of that goodness that I wanted to regain in my own life.

The power of goodness is restorative. Thank God when it arrives in a gentle breeze, the night’s tapestry of stars, or in the eyes of a child.

Goodness to all!

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