There is still beauty in this world. Remember to look for it.
Something utterly beautiful fell from the January sky the other day in bright, streaming sunlight as my husband and I stepped out into the cold. The closest description I can conjure up in my vocabulary for what was falling all around us is not even a word in the context of proper English usage. To me, instead of snowing, it was glittering outside. And only for a few radiant moments. The tiniest flakes of snow cascaded around us in what looked like a flurry of illuminated sequins. I’ve never before experienced anything like it and it filled me with awe.
Scientists and linguists have certainly studied, categorized, and debated the different nomenclatures for what we humans call snow. Some cultures have a more abundant list than others. Let me say, that I am more than content to simply tell you it was glittering outside and leave it at that.
Why is this important? Because what may heavy the human spirit as we look across our planet in dismay, as we navigate the troubling global and national headlines of this fresh calendar year, for example, can only be interpreted in the context of what gives us hope. There is still beauty to behold— beyond us, around us, and in us. Remember to look for it.
Thanks for stopping by. ♥
Kaplan, Lawrence. 2003. Inuit Snow Terms: How Many and What Does It Mean? In: Building Capacity in Arctic Societies: Dynamics and shifting perspectives. Proceedings from the 2nd IPSSAS Seminar. Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada: May 26-June 6, 2003, ed. by François Trudel. Montreal: CIÉRA — Faculté des sciences sociales Université Laval.